Octavia Multimedia Group Ltd. aka OctaviaMusic caters for artists, musicians, singers, performers, and songwriters, establish and maintain a career in the music industry. with record label [Octavia Records Ltd.] music publishing publisher [Octavia music publishing Ltd.] artist management [Octavia Artists Management Ltd.] artist mentoring, [Octavia Artist Ltd.] recording studio, [Octavia Studio Ltd.] music magazine, [Octavia Music Magazine [Octavia Music Magazine Ltd.], music shop/store online [Octavia Music Shop Ltd.].
Access through subscriptions, four levels in numbers: Standard, Premium, Gold, and Full Management.
Starting with the Standard: register,[create an account] Octavia account. Before subscribing to the Standard subscription, then using the Artist registration form, upload your contact details to create and receive an Octavia Artist Page to use as your live business card and poster.
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